Monday, December 15, 2008

New Teory

Recently, I'm just having some conflicts with one of my best friend. It was quite a terrible fight between me and her until we just become an SMS friend which means only communicate each other using SMS. And it only happened when we wish each other's birthday. Other than that, we have nothing to say even we seeing each other online in MSN....

This is the friend which I'm quite treasure a lot. After "lost" her, I have learned something in my life. Another new teory for the human relationship, which is do not ever measure the relationship between you and her. As if you measure it, you will realise that not everyone will spent the same effort as you do for the friendship. It will actually demotivate me quite some time to build up another relationship.

I should say so, there will be more and more new teories happened in our lifes and waiting for us to dig it out, digest it and using it....

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