Wednesday, October 8, 2008





就有那么一个真实的故事,俨然很多的人都不太清楚另一半的真面目。也许是不太了解另一方真正需求,达不到一个共识所产生的吧。(怎么那么化学?男女相遇相爱也是挺化学的。)不管是有了老婆孩子,或有了女友的男生,还可以厚颜无耻地要求别人做他们的第三者(现在已不只是排第三了)。拥有Part Time 情人,只是为了弥补原来的另一半所缺少的戏码也天天在上演着。。。最可悲的是那女生也愿意啊。。

应该一早被关进博物馆的我,一直认为感情的专一是世界上难得的宝物(也不知自己是如何在这样的速食世界里生存了这么多年..劈腿是潮流,外遇是上流叻.. 怎么还有这么食古不化的生物存在着)。当然,物极必反,太过于将另一半当成是自己生命的,我也不太鼓励。要必须知道如何平衡自己的心态,以豁达的态度来面对人生才是最重要的。(又来老掉牙了。。。)其实,道理谁都懂,有谁不知道感情必须专一,劈腿是要不得的?维持不维持的到,还是得看您的功力了。。。



  1. Hmmm... I think I would be the best artifact for museums then. :P

    For me, if I ever have a significant partner, I'll be loyal till death do us apart. If I can't do this or if the other person doesn't have this view, I'd not even start a relationship.

    Also, I don't agree with casual dating. If one never has the intention to build up a serious relationship with the one he/she is going out with, there's no point to go on. I'd rather say, no point to even start it.

    Moreover, love is not something to be played with. Once the heart is given out but hurt, it'll never heal, no matter how hard one tries.

    As a summary, I don't believe in relationships in today's world. Most people aren't sincere or some have absurd requirements.

    Anyway, it's good to be single. I can do whatever I like and earn as much money as I can without the need to spend it on someone else but myself.


  2. Haha... Joyce.. Thanks for your comment.. You really my loyal readers... :D
